Quick and Healthy Potato Salad

Quick and Healthy Potato Salad


500g fresh potato

20 ml Italian vinegar

75 ml extra-virgin olive oil

20ml sesame oil

1 tsp. salt

grained black pepper

4 radish topped and tailed

3 spring onion


1. Boil water in a saucepan, add some salt and oil.

2. Put fresh potato into it and boil for half an hour. You can use a fork or knief to see if it can be pierced easily.

3. Drain the potato and leave it to cool a little

4. Here comes the simple but healthy dressings: Italian vinegar, oliver oil, sesame oil, honey, salt and grained pepper. Mix them all together and put the potato in it and soak it up.

5. Add sliced radishes and spring onions.

6. Serve in a large bowl.

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